Friday, 17 March 2017

Coming to a venue near you..

Gig latest...

Wanna see us live?  Trot along to one of these nice relaxed public dates we are playing in the nearish future.

(Updated 10th May - More public dates to be added as they get confirmed)

  • Sunday 28th May - from 8pm: @ Birdie Num Nums, New Cross, Lewisham (opposite Goldsmith's College)

  • Sunday 23 July - from 2pm: @ Parliament Hill Bandstand, Parliament Hill Fields (nr Tennis Courts) Highgate Road, London, NW5

  • Sunday 27 August - from 2pm: @ Golders Hill Park, (Hampstead Heath), Elm Walk, Hampstead, London, NW3 7UP

Live at the Manor Arts Cafe!